Thursday, December 31, 2009

Eggnog Pound Cake with Crystal Rum Glaze

It is New Year's Eve morning and I spending it putting away the Christmas decor. As I take one last look at all the beautiful and thoughtful holiday cards that were mailed to me, nostalgia hits. Memories. Magic. Love.

Yes, New Year's Eve is a day of enchantment, glamour, and the possibility of a kiss. There is a wonderful quote by Nora Roberts that seems to capture my sentiments about New Year's Eve, love, romance, and magic. "...Love and magic have a great deal in common. They enrich the soul, delight the heart. And they both take practice."

I do believe in magic; magically finding the one, falling in love, and living happily ever after.

Then there is my friend G.G. (Yes, he has the same initials as me.) who not only believes in magic but can also, do magic.

G.G. enjoys performing magic for entertainment, as an ice breaker when meeting new people, or just to make a stranger smile. He does all the standard magic tricks: making a quarter appear from one's ear, is this your card?, and the disappearing scarf. He has mastered his tricks by practicing, practicing, and then practicing some more.

I asked G.G. why he devoted so much time to his hobby. He replied, "...Magic gives me confidence, an openness to meeting new people, and freedom. It has no language barriers. It is a lot like falling love. Except with magic one falls in love with the mystery and illusion of the trick. It is a love composed of learning and secrecy".

I find what G. G. said to be true. There is magic in falling love, being open to meeting new people, and so on.

For instance, if I had not loved D., I would have never discovered how much fun rock concerts and running down the Indiana Dunes could be.

If I had not loved J., I would have never discovered how entertaining drinking beer, peeling peanuts, and watching a baseball game is.

If I had not loved R., I would not have had the motivation to finish school and become a healthier person.

G.G. ended our conversation by stating that every single person we care for brings a little magic into our lives. That magic being in the form of love, gives us strength, enjoyment, and prepares us for our soul mate.

Which brings us back to New Year's Eve ...a night where a single magical kiss at the stroke of midnight can turn into a world wind romance ...or have I had too much eggnog pound cake with crystal rum glaze?

Wishing all my friends and readers a magical 2010! Happy New Year!
Love, Gigi

Print: Eggnog Pound Cake


Anonymous said...

What a fabulous way to spend new yrs eve, with one of your cakes;)

Happy new yr my friend...

Hannah said...

Happy New Year, Gigi. Hope 2010 treats you better. :)

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

Have you got your greens and blackeyed peas on?
Have a healthy and happy New Year!

I may have to try out this pound cake... there goes my 1st resolution.

thecoffeesnob said...

That cake looks like a wonderful way to usher the new year in. And yes, I do believe too that everyone we love brings a little something special into our lives. Happy new year, Gigi!

Anonymous said...

So true about about what relationships bring to you and keep on giving after it is over.
JT taught me now to make the best simple egg rolls; fishing on the pier at night and lots more.
I will try this cake--looks yummy
Have a healthy and happy 2010

Bo said...

Yum! That Eggnog cake sure does look delicious. To bad my New Years Resolution is to lose weight.

Pumpkin said...

I already miss eggnog. Why must it be seasonal? Happy New Year!

Deborah said...

I hope 2010 is a wonderful year for you! This cake looks amazing.

The Style Mansion said...

This cake looks so delicious

Mary Jo said...

happy new year! love the idea of baking w/ eggnog.

Eliana said...

Happy New Year Gigi. Love the eggnog cake.

steph- whisk/spoon said...

mmm, gigi-- that sounds wonderful! i wish you a new year full of love and happiness!

eatme_delicious said...

Mmm this looks perfect!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Nice cake. I am filling hungry to see those. when I could taste at least one of those.

LyB said...

Happy New Year, Gigi! May 2010 be filled with love, magic and inspiration! :)

Liliai said...

lovely blog :)

polish women said...

Omg i must eat this :D

Dylan said...

This cake--and really, all of your cakes--look wonderful. One question, though. Looking at the recipe and pictures of the finished product, the icing doesn't really "pop" like you'd think it would with crystal in the name. Have you considered perhaps another method of icing, to at least make it a bit more "crystal?"

Anonymous said...
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Bill said...

that glaze is tough to pull off!

Anonymous said...

Looks so delicious and just perfect for an afternoon tea or coffee. I just love it. Greets short let london

lapiubelladitutte said...

All the best, happy 2013 and with your cake it sure starts really really well!

Unknown said...

These things look gorgeous and I am sure are delicious. I’m bookmarking these to try this weekend.
But I want to be sure about Digestive Enzymes.

chris said...

Great recipes, great photos!

Yanira Morrison said...

I’ve learned so much from this post. Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge.

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